World of HTML Colors and Color Codes!

So many times you need color codes of Various Web Colors..  Randomly I found it’s a great idea to show the entire colors list with its visual color graphics, so that selection of colors be made easy.

Idea Originated:  WEB Surfing / Midnight Madness

Tools: Excel, Dreamweaver

” I collected all colors names and colors codes in excel worksheet , then use concatenate function to build a TR, TD Tag for each color and drag it populate for all list, after that i insert opening tags in Dreamweaver, and after that insert code from excel. Finally See below i generated all color codes” – Sujit 

Download Excel :  ” Download Colors Code Innovation Excel Worksheet  “

External Resources: Wiki ON Web Colors

 Here Is Rainbow of HTML Colors

Colour Name Colour Code
Black #000000
Gray0 #150517
Gray18 #250517
Gray21 #2B1B17
Gray23 #302217
Gray24 #302226
Gray25 #342826
Gray26 #34282C
Gray27 #382D2C
Gray28 #3b3131
Gray29 #3E3535
Gray30 #413839
Gray31 #41383C
Gray32 #463E3F
Gray34 #4A4344
Gray35 #4C4646
Gray36 #4E4848
Gray37 #504A4B
Gray38 #544E4F
Gray39 #565051
Gray40 #595454
Gray41 #5C5858
Gray42 #5F5A59
Gray43 #625D5D
Gray44 #646060
Gray45 #666362
Gray46 #696565
Gray47 #6D6968
Gray48 #6E6A6B
Gray49 #726E6D
Gray50 #747170
Gray #736F6E
Slate Gray4 #616D7E
Slate Gray #657383
Light Steel Blue4 #646D7E
Light Slate Gray #6D7B8D
Cadet Blue4 #4C787E
Dark Slate Gray4 #4C7D7E
Thistle4 #806D7E
Medium Slate Blue #5E5A80
Medium Purple4 #4E387E
Midnight Blue #151B54
Dark Slate Blue #2B3856
Dark Slate Gray #25383C
Dim Gray #463E41
Cornflower Blue #151B8D
Royal Blue4 #15317E
Slate Blue4 #342D7E
Royal Blue #2B60DE
Royal Blue1 #306EFF
Royal Blue2 #2B65EC
Royal Blue3 #2554C7
Deep Sky Blue #3BB9FF
Deep Sky Blue2 #38ACEC
Slate Blue #357EC7
Deep Sky Blue3 #3090C7
Deep Sky Blue4 #25587E
Dodger Blue #1589FF
Dodger Blue2 #157DEC
Dodger Blue3 #1569C7
Dodger Blue4 #153E7E
Steel Blue4 #2B547E
Steel Blue #4863A0
Slate Blue2 #6960EC
Violet #8D38C9
Medium Purple3 #7A5DC7
Medium Purple #8467D7
Medium Purple2 #9172EC
Medium Purple1 #9E7BFF
Light Steel Blue #728FCE
Steel Blue3 #488AC7
Steel Blue2 #56A5EC
Steel Blue1 #5CB3FF
Sky Blue3 #659EC7
Sky Blue4 #41627E
Slate Blue #737CA1
Slate Blue #737CA1
Slate Gray3 #98AFC7
Violet Red #F6358A
Violet Red1 #F6358A
Violet Red2 #E4317F
Deep Pink #F52887
Deep Pink2 #E4287C
Deep Pink3 #C12267
Deep Pink4 #7D053F
Medium Violet Red #CA226B
Violet Red3 #C12869
Firebrick #800517
Violet Red4 #7D0541
Maroon4 #7D0552
Maroon #810541
Maroon3 #C12283
Maroon2 #E3319D
Maroon1 #F535AA
Magenta #FF00FF
Magenta1 #F433FF
Magenta2 #E238EC
Magenta3 #C031C7
Medium Orchid #B048B5
Medium Orchid1 #D462FF
Medium Orchid2 #C45AEC
Medium Orchid3 #A74AC7
Medium Orchid4 #6A287E
Purple #8E35EF
Purple1 #893BFF
Purple2 #7F38EC
Purple3 #6C2DC7
Purple4 #461B7E
Dark Orchid4 #571B7e
Dark Orchid #7D1B7E
Dark Violet #842DCE
Dark Orchid3 #8B31C7
Dark Orchid2 #A23BEC
Dark Orchid1 #B041FF
Plum4 #7E587E
Pale Violet Red #D16587
Pale Violet Red1 #F778A1
Pale Violet Red2 #E56E94
Pale Violet Red3 #C25A7C
Pale Violet Red4 #7E354D
Plum #B93B8F
Plum1 #F9B7FF
Plum2 #E6A9EC
Plum3 #C38EC7
Thistle #D2B9D3
Thistle3 #C6AEC7
Lavender Blush2 #EBDDE2
Lavender Blush3 #C8BBBE
Thistle2 #E9CFEC
Thistle1 #FCDFFF
Lavender #E3E4FA
Lavender Blush #FDEEF4
Light Steel Blue1 #C6DEFF
Light Blue #ADDFFF
Light Blue1 #BDEDFF
Light Cyan #E0FFFF
Slate Gray1 #C2DFFF
Slate Gray2 #B4CFEC
Light Steel Blue2 #B7CEEC
Turquoise1 #52F3FF
Cyan #00FFFF
Cyan1 #57FEFF
Cyan2 #50EBEC
Turquoise2 #4EE2EC
Medium Turquoise #48CCCD
Turquoise #43C6DB
Dark Slate Gray1 #9AFEFF
Dark Slate Gray2 #8EEBEC
Dark Slate Gray3 #78c7c7
Cyan3 #46C7C7
Turquoise3 #43BFC7
Cadet Blue3 #77BFC7
Pale Turquoise3 #92C7C7
Light Blue2 #AFDCEC
Dark Turquoise #3B9C9C
Cyan4 #307D7E
Light Sea Green #3EA99F
Light Sky Blue #82CAFA
Light Sky Blue2 #A0CFEC
Light Sky Blue3 #87AFC7
Sky Blue #82CAFF
Sky Blue2 #79BAEC
Light Sky Blue4 #566D7E
Sky Blue #6698FF
Light Slate Blue #736AFF
Light Cyan2 #CFECEC
Light Cyan3 #AFC7C7
Light Cyan4 #717D7D
Light Blue3 #95B9C7
Light Blue4 #5E767E
Pale Turquoise4 #5E7D7E
Dark Sea Green4 #617C58
Medium Aquamarine #348781
Medium Sea Green #306754
Sea Green #4E8975
Dark Green #254117
Sea Green4 #387C44
Forest Green #4E9258
Medium Forest Green #347235
Spring Green4 #347C2C
Dark Olive Green4 #667C26
Chartreuse4 #437C17
Green4 #347C17
Medium Spring Green #348017
Spring Green #4AA02C
Lime Green #41A317
Spring Green #4AA02C
Dark Sea Green #8BB381
Dark Sea Green3 #99C68E
Green3 #4CC417
Chartreuse3 #6CC417
Yellow Green #52D017
Spring Green3 #4CC552
Sea Green3 #54C571
Spring Green2 #57E964
Spring Green1 #5EFB6E
Sea Green2 #64E986
Sea Green1 #6AFB92
Dark Sea Green2 #B5EAAA
Dark Sea Green1 #C3FDB8
Green #00FF00
Lawn Green #87F717
Green1 #5FFB17
Green2 #59E817
Chartreuse2 #7FE817
Chartreuse #8AFB17
Green Yellow #B1FB17
Dark Olive Green1 #CCFB5D
Dark Olive Green2 #BCE954
Dark Olive Green3 #A0C544
Yellow #FFFF00
Yellow1 #FFFC17
Khaki1 #FFF380
Khaki2 #EDE275
Goldenrod #EDDA74
Gold2 #EAC117
Gold1 #FDD017
Goldenrod1 #FBB917
Goldenrod2 #E9AB17
Gold #D4A017
Gold3 #C7A317
Goldenrod3 #C68E17
Dark Goldenrod #AF7817
Khaki #ADA96E
Khaki3 #C9BE62
Khaki4 #827839
Dark Goldenrod1 #FBB117
Dark Goldenrod2 #E8A317
Dark Goldenrod3 #C58917
Sienna1 #F87431
Sienna2 #E66C2C
Dark Orange #F88017
Dark Orange1 #F87217
Dark Orange2 #E56717
Dark Orange3 #C35617
Sienna3 #C35817
Sienna #8A4117
Sienna4 #7E3517
Indian Red4 #7E2217
Dark Orange3 #7E3117
Salmon4 #7E3817
Dark Goldenrod4 #7F5217
Gold4 #806517
Goldenrod4 #805817
Light Salmon4 #7F462C
Chocolate #C85A17
Coral3 #C34A2C
Coral2 #E55B3C
Coral #F76541
Dark Salmon #E18B6B
Salmon1 #F88158
Salmon2 #E67451
Salmon3 #C36241
Light Salmon3 #C47451
Light Salmon2 #E78A61
Light Salmon #F9966B
Sandy Brown #EE9A4D
Hot Pink #F660AB
Hot Pink1 #F665AB
Hot Pink2 #E45E9D
Hot Pink3 #C25283
Hot Pink4 #7D2252
Light Coral #E77471
Indian Red1 #F75D59
Indian Red2 #E55451
Indian Red3 #C24641
Red #FF0000
Red1 #F62217
Red2 #E41B17
Firebrick1 #F62817
Firebrick2 #E42217
Firebrick3 #C11B17
Rosy Brown1 #FBBBB9
Rosy Brown2 #E8ADAA
Pink2 #E7A1B0
Light Pink #FAAFBA
Light Pink1 #F9A7B0
Light Pink2 #E799A3
Pink3 #C48793
Rosy Brown3 #C5908E
Rosy Brown #B38481
Light Pink3 #C48189
Rosy Brown4 #7F5A58
Light Pink4 #7F4E52
Pink4 #7F525D
Lavender Blush4 #817679
Light Goldenrod4 #817339
Lemon Chiffon4 #827B60
Lemon Chiffon3 #C9C299
Light Goldenrod3 #C8B560
Light Golden2 #ECD672
Light Goldenrod #ECD872
Light Goldenrod1 #FFE87C
Lemon Chiffon2 #ECE5B6
Lemon Chiffon #FFF8C6
Light Goldenrod Yellow #FAF8CC

Sujit Kumar Lucky : Follow Me on @sujit_kr_lucky

About Sujit Kumar Lucky

Sujit Kumar Lucky - मेरी जन्मभूमी पतीत पावनी गंगा के पावन कछार पर अवश्थित शहर भागलपुर(बिहार ) .. अंग प्रदेश की भागीरथी से कालिंदी तट तक के सफर के बाद वर्तमान कर्मभूमि भागलपुर बिहार ! पेशे से डिजिटल मार्केटिंग प्रोफेशनल.. अपने विचारों में खोया रहने वाला एक सीधा संवेदनशील व्यक्ति हूँ. बस बहुरंगी जिन्दगी की कुछ रंगों को समेटे टूटे फूटे शब्दों में लिखता हूँ . "यादें ही यादें जुड़ती जा रही, हर रोज एक नया जिन्दगी का फलसफा, पीछे देखा तो एक कारवां सा बन गया ! : - सुजीत भारद्वाज

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