Miss Venezuela Ivian Sarcos Journey From Orphan To Miss World 2011

Angels delivered baby Ivian Sarcos to the beautiful world of Guanare, Portuguesa, at Venezuela on 26th July 1989 blessed with a flawless charm and an enchanting smile.

Born as no 8 person according to numerology Ivian had a playful, happy, and fun filled family life as a kid until her 8th years of age. On the 8th year her world changed to sadness, gloomy days, grief stricken childhood, and strangely a life without parents. Such was the fate that on her 8th year she became orphan after the death of her parents only to be cared, pampered, and brought up by the nuns in a convent in Cojedes…………

From her days of infancy she dreamt of becoming a nun and serve the humanity. Destiny’s child Ivian was unaware that her fate is sealed and fore written somewhere in the paradise. It was not before her 17 years of age that she realized her feminine beauty, becharming looks, and regal features to decide to be a model.

Ivian Sarcos great aspiration was backed by great determination, and incomparable hard work. Little aware about the conspiracy of the universe to bestow her fame, make her a beauty queen, give her immense admirer, bless her with enormous fans, and intoxicate her with mirthful wealth.

Her beauty made an appeal to one and all she came across but it was not until summer of 2010 when the honey colored diva won her first beauty title as Miss Ivian Sarcos “Miss Amazonas 2010”. The time of tide was changing and her fame soon started to sprinkle across South America.

Her focus, confidence, and beauty with smartness were also appreciated at Miss World Venezuela 2010. Not to surprise she was crowned Queen Miss Ivian Sarcos “Miss World Venezuela 2010”.

Her luck was unequalled like her graceful face with magnetic smile. She was the contestant to 61st Miss World 2011 representing the land of beauties Venezuela. On the fateful night all the angels from the paradise has appeared to embrace, cheer, and bless her for an inevitable crowned beauty Queen. Dressed in captivating pink feathery gown open in front she was amazed, tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks, and she kissed heaven looking skyward in celebrations when Miss World 2011 “Miss Venezuela Ivian Sarcos”, was announced. Not only she was rejoicing with blush, frisky smile, and enamoring looks but there was standup ovation from the crowd for the new beauty Queen crowned by reigning Miss World, Miss Alexandria Mills of USA………

Great Miss World experience of beauty with brains. Miss World 2011 Miss Ivian Sarcos has an ambition to work with children. May the haven’s angels grants the eternal beauty forever…………………

About Sujit Kumar Lucky

Sujit Kumar Lucky - मेरी जन्मभूमी पतीत पावनी गंगा के पावन कछार पर अवश्थित शहर भागलपुर(बिहार ) .. अंग प्रदेश की भागीरथी से कालिंदी तट तक के सफर के बाद वर्तमान कर्मभूमि भागलपुर बिहार ! पेशे से डिजिटल मार्केटिंग प्रोफेशनल.. अपने विचारों में खोया रहने वाला एक सीधा संवेदनशील व्यक्ति हूँ. बस बहुरंगी जिन्दगी की कुछ रंगों को समेटे टूटे फूटे शब्दों में लिखता हूँ . "यादें ही यादें जुड़ती जा रही, हर रोज एक नया जिन्दगी का फलसफा, पीछे देखा तो एक कारवां सा बन गया ! : - सुजीत भारद्वाज

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