Google+ Now Available for Business Brand – Product and More

Google + Have special feature added for creating your business information in your own page. In that feature you can promote your business in local as well as global platform.

Google+ now welcomes your brand and business:

Now business is welcomed for branding through Google+ page program. You can create a page using create page link tool if you are regular Google+ user.

Here is some special function in Google+ business page:

1 Local Business or place

You can promote your local business through that page .if you want to promote your business in local place.

2 Product or brand

You can create page for a brand name, product page that will help you to promote your brand on social channel

3 Company institution or organization

If you want to create company/origination identity on Google+ then this is possible through Google+

4 Art entertainment or sports

Here is another category for you that you can create a page for art entertainment and sports.

5 other

If above category is not suitable for you then Google+ give you special feature that you can create customize page according your requirement.

In all type of category page you have special features that you can do common thing similar to Facebook page. You can do many of the same things that a personal account can do, including:

  • Share photos/pics album
  • Share personal, brand, and product  videos
  • You can share your page/services and product link Share links
  • Conduct Hangouts

About Sujit Kumar Lucky

Sujit Kumar Lucky - मेरी जन्मभूमी पतीत पावनी गंगा के पावन कछार पर अवश्थित शहर भागलपुर(बिहार ) .. अंग प्रदेश की भागीरथी से कालिंदी तट तक के सफर के बाद वर्तमान कर्मभूमि भागलपुर बिहार ! पेशे से डिजिटल मार्केटिंग प्रोफेशनल.. अपने विचारों में खोया रहने वाला एक सीधा संवेदनशील व्यक्ति हूँ. बस बहुरंगी जिन्दगी की कुछ रंगों को समेटे टूटे फूटे शब्दों में लिखता हूँ . "यादें ही यादें जुड़ती जा रही, हर रोज एक नया जिन्दगी का फलसफा, पीछे देखा तो एक कारवां सा बन गया ! : - सुजीत भारद्वाज

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