Vic Gundotra, Senior Vice-President of Social Business for Google announced Google’s new updates; this updates are applicable on Google+. Google suddenly stopped one of its most important feature in June 2011 termed as Google Real Time. Google Real Time search is now available on Google+. As well as Google announce that now it will support post with # (hash tag).
Real Time Search:
Before that update there was no related post to show with streaming. But now after this updation you can search any term and show one link on top “More recent post” and when you click that link the real search term is activated .You can stay on this page and see update on your related search topic
Hash Tagging in Post:
Most of Google+ users are all ready using # (hash tag). Now Google has made some update with # tag. Now if you add something with # tag e.g. #seoidiots. This keyword becomes involuntary link. This link leads to macular search term.
Through this update we can keep engaging more people as well help to find more topics which you want.
Thanks Google !