Facebook To Twitter – New Gateway of Social Sharing From FB Page To Tweets

Social Media, A New Emerging world of communication. When we think about sharing of contents name primarily arrives as Facebook and Twitter. In addition to social media sharing, there is lots of interconnection between web services which provides cross sharing, multi-posting, auto-posting and various way of social media updates made.. so now we come to know about Facebook Page to Twitter Share setting which allows you to send automatically FB Page Updates to Twitter.

Facebook twitter Social Media Posting

Get Started with FB page :

You have facebook page to share various upadates as status, updates, images, events, videos, reviews and so much more. Every time you contributed to FB page, its not spreaded as need to beacome a social capital on Microblogging world, so  FB To Twitter great way  to share Page Update to Twitter.

Facebook To Twitter Sharing

How to Configure:

  1. Go To http://www.facebook.com/twitter
  2. Under heading (Link your Pages to Twitter) Choose your page..
  3. Click on *Link To Twitter* button and Do authentication process with twitter account
  4. Configure Posting Options in Edit setting..

Facebook To Twitter Sharing

And after performing aboving u rewarded with ..

  • Automatic Share to Twitter Enabled
  • Your Facebook Pages Comes in action to get more likes
  • Social Visibility and traffic generation chances increased

So next move of seoidiots will research about nature of social media posting.


About Sujit Kumar Lucky

Sujit Kumar Lucky - मेरी जन्मभूमी पतीत पावनी गंगा के पावन कछार पर अवश्थित शहर भागलपुर(बिहार ) .. अंग प्रदेश की भागीरथी से कालिंदी तट तक के सफर के बाद वर्तमान कर्मभूमि भागलपुर बिहार ! पेशे से डिजिटल मार्केटिंग प्रोफेशनल.. अपने विचारों में खोया रहने वाला एक सीधा संवेदनशील व्यक्ति हूँ. बस बहुरंगी जिन्दगी की कुछ रंगों को समेटे टूटे फूटे शब्दों में लिखता हूँ . "यादें ही यादें जुड़ती जा रही, हर रोज एक नया जिन्दगी का फलसफा, पीछे देखा तो एक कारवां सा बन गया ! : - सुजीत भारद्वाज

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